Bishan: History

11 February 2008

Kampong San Teng / Peck San Teng Cemetery
Kampong San Teng was a village predominated by the Cantonese.

Peck San Teng was a vast Cantonese Cemetery located within Kampong San Teng. This cemetery had a long history dating back to more than a century ago. Peck San Teng Cemetery together with the temple and other facilities were jointly initiated and managed by the Singapore Kwong Wai Siew. Peck San Teng Cemetery was cleared in 1982.

The Singapore Kwong Wai Siew is a charitable organisation formed by a federation of sixteen clan of the Cantonese community. These Cantonese pioneers migrated to Singapore from the three prefectures of Kwong Fu, Wai Chow Fu and Siew Hing Fu. The Singapore Kwong Wai Siew also set up the Singapore Kwong Wai Siew Free Hospital at Serangoon Road.

Bishan New Town
Bishan New Town is an extension of Shunfu Estate. Like Serangoon New Town, the neighbourhoods of Bishan New Town are scattered across the district and intersected by several private estates.

Existing site contours, trees and building structures were retained to enhance the local identity of Bishan New Town.

Starting from 1989, the traditional surface carpark in each precinct is replace by a multi-storey carpark. As such, apartment blocks can be constructed more compactly and space between building blocks that were previously reserved for surface carparks is now landscaped. Projects at Bishan are intensively revised to include such precinct features.


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