Bibliography (updated October 2011)
11 May 2011 BibliographyAbrams, Janet & Hall, Peter (2006). Else/Where: Mapping new cartographies of networks and territories, Minnesota, U.S.A.: University of Minnesota Design Institute.
Barber, Peter (2005). The map book, New York, U.S.A.: Walker Publishing Company.
Bunnett, R. B. (2000). The new reading tropical maps, 4th ed., Singapore: Addison Wesley Longman Singapore.
Cheng, Virginia & Tay, Dorothy (1994). Resource atlas for social studies, 8th ed., Singapore: Federal Publications.
Cheng, Virginia & Tay, Dorothy (1995). Resource atlas for social studies, 9th ed., Singapore: Federal Publications.
Cheng, Virginia & Tay, Dorothy (1996). Resource atlas for social studies, 10th ed., Singapore: Federal Publications.
Cheng, Virginia & Tay, Dorothy (1997). Resource atlas for social studies, 11th ed., Singapore: Federal Publications.
Cheng, Virginia & Tay, Dorothy (1998). Resource atlas for social studies, 12th ed., Singapore: Federal Publications.
Chong, Marianne (2000a). Aspects of human geography, Singapore: Pekoe Books.
Chong, Marianne (2000b). Aspects of physical geography, Rev. ed., Singapore: Pekoe Books.
Curriculum Development Institute of Singapore (1994). Social studies for primary schools 4A, 2nd ed., Singapore: Federal Publications.
Curriculum Development Institute of Singapore (1995). Social studies for primary schools 4B, 2nd ed., Singapore: Federal Publications.
Curriculum Development Institute of Singapore (1995). Social studies for primary schools 5A, 2nd ed., Singapore: Federal Publications.
Curriculum Development Institute of Singapore (1996). Social studies for primary schools 5B, 2nd ed., Singapore: Federal Publications.
Curriculum Development Institute of Singapore (1996). Social studies for primary schools 6A, 2nd ed., Singapore: Federal Publications.
Curriculum Planning & Development Division, Singapore (1994). History of modern Singapore, 2nd ed., Singapore: Addison Wesley Longman Singapore.
Dunlop, Peter (2000). Street names of Singapore, Singapore: Who’s Who Publishing.
Ehrenberg, Ralph E. (2006). Mapping the world, Washington D.C., U.S.A.: National Geographic Society.
Eysenck, Michael W. & Flanagan. Cara (2000). Psychology for AS level, East Sussex, U.K.: Psychology Press.
Fawcett-Tang, Roger & Owen, William (2008). Mapping graphic navigational systems, Rev. ed., Mies, Switzerland: RotoVision SA.
Given, Lisa M. (2008). The SAGE Encyclopedia of qualitative research methods, California, U.S.A.: SAGE Publications.
Harmon, Katharine (2004). You are here: personal geographies and other maps of the imagination, New York, U.S.A.: Princeton Architectural Press.
Heinemann Southeast Asia (1996). Heinemann Singapore atlas: 21st century atlas, Rev. ed., Singapore: Heinemann Southeast Asia.
Hon, Joan (1987). Hotel New World collapse, Singapore: Times Books International.
Housing & Development Board (1960-2007/2008). Housing & Development Board annual report, Singapore: Housing & Development Board.
Kandang Kerbau Hospital (1990). Kandang Kerbau Hospital 1924-1990, Singapore: Kandang Kerbau Hospital.
Koninck, Rodolphe De, Drolet, Julie & Girard Mare (2008). Singapore: An atlas of perpetual territorial transformation, Singapore: NUS Press.
Longman Singapore Publishers (1998). The Longman Singapore atlas, Singapore: Longman Singapore Publishers.
Ministry of Culture, Singapore (1972). Singapore guide & street directory, 10th ed., Singapore: Ministry of Culture.
Ministry of Culture, Singapore (1975). Singapore guide & street directory, 11th ed., Singapore: Ministry of Culture.
Ministry of Culture, Singapore (1981). Singapore street directory, 13th ed., Singapore: Ministry of Culture.
Ministry of Culture, Singapore (1984). Singapore street directory, 14th ed., Singapore: Singapore National Printers.
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Ministry of Law, Singapore (1988). Singapore street directory, 15th ed., Singapore: Singapore National Printers.
Ministry of Law, Singapore (1991). Singapore street directory, 16th ed., Singapore: Pacific Trade Press.
Ministry of Law, Singapore (1993). Singapore street directory, 17th ed., Singapore: Singapore National Printers.
Ministry of Law, Singapore (1995). Singapore street directory, 18th ed., Singapore: SNP Corporation.
Ministry of Law, Singapore (1998). Singapore street directory 1998/99, 19th ed., Singapore: SNP Corporation.
Ministry of Law, Singapore (2000). Singapore street directory 2000/2001, 20th ed., Singapore: SNP Publishing.
Pie Books (2009). Informational diagram collection, Tokyo, Japan: Pie Books.
Rumsey, David & Punt, Edith M. (2004). Cartigraphica extraordinaire, California, U.S.A.: ESRI Press.
Savage Victor R. & Yeoh, Brenda S. A. (2004). Toponymics a study of Singapore street names, 2nd ed., Singapore: Eastern Universities Press.
SCIP Enterprise (2004 ~ 2007). Singapore public transport guide, Singapore: SCIP Enterprise.
SCIP Map (2011). Singapore public transport guide 2011-2012, Singapore: SCIP Map.
Singapore Improvement Trust (1927 ~ 1959). The work of the Singapore Improvement Trust, Singapore: Singapore Improvement Trust.
Singapore Land Authority (2002). Singapore street directory, 21st ed., Singapore: SingTel Yellow Pages.
Singapore Land Authority (2007). The official Singapore street directory 2007, Singapore: Yellow Pages (Singapore).
Singapore Land Authority (2010). Venus street directory 2010 edition, Singapore: LivinStyle.
Survey Department, Singapore (1954). Street directory and guide to Singapore with sectional maps, 1st ed., Singapore: Survey Department.
Survey Department, Singapore (1957). Street directory and guide to Singapore with sectional maps, 4th ed., Singapore: Survey Department.
Survey Department, Singapore (1964). Singapore guide and street directory with sectional maps, 7th ed., Singapore: Survey Department.
Tan, Royston, Tang, Eva & Thng, Victric (2010). Old places, Singapore: Chuan Pictures.
Tan, Shzr Ee & Foo, Desmond (2006). Lost roads, Singapore: SNP Editions.
Tan-Oehler, Shirley (1995). Tampines our home, Singapore: PAP Tampines west Branch.
Thompson, Nato & Independent Curators International (2008). Experimental geography, New York, U.S.A.: Independent Curators International.
Transit Link Pte Ltd (1997 ~ 2009). Transitlink guide, Singapore: Transit Link Pte Ltd.
Tufte, Edward R. (1990). Envisioning information, Connecticut, U.S.A.: Graphics Press.
Tufte, Edward R. (1997). Visual explanation, Connecticut, U.S.A.: Graphics Press.
Tufte, Edward R. (2001). The visual display of quantitative information, Connecticut, U.S.A.: Graphics Press.
Urban Redevelopment Authority (1983). Chronicle of sale sites, Singapore: Urban Redevelopment Authority.
Urban Redevelopment Authority (1992-1998). Planning areas development guide plans planning reports [a series of 48 books], Singapore: Urban Redevelopment Authority.
Urban Redevelopment Authority (1995). Changing the face of Singapore: through the URA sale of sites, Singapore: Urban Redevelopment Authority.
Urban Redevelopment Authority (2003). Rediscover Singapore, Singapore: MediaCorp Publishing.
Urban Redevelopment Authority (2004). Shaping Singapore: a pictorial journey through the lenses of 19 Singapore photojournalists, Singapore: Urban Redevelopment Authority.
Urban Redevelopment Authority (2004). 20 under 45, Singapore: Urban Redevelopment Authority.
Urban Redevelopment Authority (2007). Singapore 1:1 island: a gallery of architecture & urban design, Singapore: Urban Redevelopment Authority.
Urban Redevelopment Authority (2009). Rediscover Singapore, 2nd ed., Singapore: Ink Publishing.
Wiegand, Patrick (2006). Learning and teaching with maps, London, U.K.: Routledge.
Wong, Poh Poh & Pask, Raymond (2008). Atlas: Singapore and the world, 2nd ed., Singapore: Pearson Education South Asia.
Wong, Yunn Chii, Tan, Kok Hiang, Siew, Man Kok & Low, Chwee Lye (2005). Singapore 1:1 city, Singapore: Urban Redevelopment Authority.
Wong, Yunn Chii & Tai, Lee Siang (2007). Singapore 1:1 island, Singapore: Urban Redevelopment Authority.
Wood, Denis (1992). The power of maps, New York, U.S.A.: The Guilford Press.
Yeo, Peggy, Yeoh, Brenda S. A., Ooi, Giok Ling & Lai, Karen P.Y. (2004). Changing landscapes of Singapore, Singapore: McGraw-Hill Education (Asia).
Newspaper References
Lianhe Zaobao
Singapore Press Holdings
Shin Min Daily News
Singapore Press Holdings
the new paper
Singapore Press Holdings
Singapore Press Holdings
Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS)
Housing and Development Board (HDB)
JTC Corporation (JTC)
Land Transport Authority (LTA)
National Library Board (NLB)
National Parks Board (NParks)
People's Association (PA)
Public Utilities Board (PUB)
SBS Transit Ltd
SMRT Buses Ltd
SMRT Light Rail Pte Ltd
SMRT Transit Ltd
Singapore Land Authority (SLA)
Singapore Sports Council (SSC)
Transit Link Pte Ltd
Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)
Bibliography (updated October 2011) © 文彬 2004~2018. All rights reserved.